When I moved down from Massachusetts in 2003, I had to adjust to living in a new environment where many things were different. Things that were familiar were easy for me to stick with. The few Dunkin’ Donuts and CVS were the two most familiar stores that were here.

Now it’s seven years later and I love sweet tea, Carolina BBQ, the Bulls and I shop at Kerr Drug.
There’s a couple of reasons I now shop at Kerr Drug, but mainly it’s because they are a local drug store, and because of Morgan Siem.
At the 30,000 foot view Kerr, CVS and Walgreens may appear to be very similar. So why do I choose Kerr Drug?
I’ve written about why I love The Pit BBQ, and it’s almost the same reason. For me, it’s personal. Having one of my best friends working with Kerr means that I will do what I can to support her. I know how hard Morgan is working to show Kerr Drug the value and power of social media – and I believe in the same things. I also want to help support a strong social media presence so that they lead the way and help prove the benefits of creating community with outreach, recognition and online coolness.
So the funny thing is, for me, this is absolute ground-zero grassroots social media 101. I am friends with Morgan, Morgan helps Kerr Drug with their social media, so now I support Kerr Drug.
See if this makes sense…
- I’m lucky Morgan decided to come to my social media presentation at one of our SEO meetups
- I was lucky that Michael offered up the MediaTwo conference room at the last minute for that meetup
- Kerr Drug is lucky that they sent Shawn to that meetup
- Michael and Ellie were smart to see that the questions he was asking that night were cries for help
- Michael was smart to see the potential in Morgan from her participation at that meetup
- Kerr Drug is lucky to have one of the best social media strategists in America working on their campaign.
I know that I can’t possibly be the only person that has been impacted like this. Maybe someone reading this will be swayed to Kerr Drug also.
Welcome to a social media world Kerr Drug, you’re in good hands.
Great post! I enjoy reading this informative article. Thanks for sharing.