I realized a few weeks ago that I have a number of sites that I really value for straight-to-the-point SEO information.
When I have a question that is slightly off and I feel like I need a little more confidence before I answer, I almost always turn to my first choice, SEOmoz. One of the best resources there is the comments! The whole knowledge base is worth the small monthly fee they were charging when I joined. I am also a huge fan of the Trifecta tool and the new Linkscape project.
Another site I seem to find myself at everyday is SearchEngineWatch. I feel like they do the best job of churning out useful posts and articles day after day after day.
SearchEngineLand is always a great place to get news. I would say that at least once a week I see something there that I haven’t found anyplace else.
I also find time to browse seobook every morning. Lots of good data and usually graphics to explain things different ways. Just an all around great SEO site.
Personally I libe SEO2.0. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m a big fan.
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