I tried to share some SEO knowledge today at a Food4Thought luncheon. After my presentation, two of the organizers asked me to have lunch with them.

Lorana Price, Holy Cow’s CEO and brand strategist and Lea-Ann Berst, lead strategist for Sleddogg Marketing Management sat down with me and we talked about the presentation. We ordered lunch and talked for a while. After the check was paid, Lorana turned to me and asked, “how can I help you?”
I haven’t been asked that question very often in my life. I was totally unprepared for the question and the sincerity with which it had been asked.
It’s a beautiful question when it doesn’t come at the end of a strained call to AT&T or Time Warner Cable.
What would your answer be to that question?
What a great question on Lorana’s part. In my networking, I ask people, “What would your ideal next job?” (for people who are looking) or “Who’s your ideal client?” (for consultants, CEOs, and biz dev people). And then I take notes on the back of their business card, and think about where I might connect them.
People seem surprised when I ask how I can help — but you know, we can’t help you if we don’t know what you want. I’ve been able to refer several people to opportunities, and I keep others on my radar. Interestingly, few ask me the same question unaided.
I agree Karl it is a great question. I’ve only had the opportunity to be around Lorana a handful of times, and each time she’s left me a smarter person.
Phil, what a great story. Speaks volumes of Lorana’s character. I’ve known her for a couple years now, and her response is consistent with what I’ve seen overall. In fact, I met with her a couple months ago about a matter, and she was more than willing to help me. Thank you both for a great time yesterday.
Thanks Jeff, I only wish I had a few more hours to get to the really good stuff!
Isn’t it funny that the simplest things are usually the best. What a great question.
It is funny Cord. It reminds me of the “All I Really Need to know I learned in Kindergarten” book. The first lesson: Share everything
Not too long ago, I had lunch with Lisa Bledsoe, who asked me the same question. My response? “You can pick up the check.” (No, no… I’m kidding.) It was a great, unexpected question. And it’s also the type of thing that’s very helpful for people who might be reluctant to ask for help.
Wow Rachel, remind me never to ask you that after lunch 🙂
Since I know you’re the type that hates asking for help, I know that Lisa’s question must have been very much appreciated.
Phil, that was so sweet, it almost made me blush. Almost. The question is something I’ve asked people for a long time. I find that it really helps me get to know them better and to build stronger relationships that withstand the test of time. However, the question wasn’t “what can we do for you?” That can come across a little too self-serving, and has actually been interpreted that way in past conversations. A dear friend, and client, Sheri Davis from Griffin Engineering, taught me the phrase, “how can I help?” This is much more powerful, and is, in fact, what I asked you, Phil.
Thanks for allowing me to become part of your network, Phil. So far, I am enjoying the ride!
Lorana – you’re right, I did misquote you (but have now updated the post). You’re right, it’s powerful stuff and lucky for all your friends, you use your powers for good.
But not good for my enemies!!! Ahahahaaha!
This is the single best manner to build a relationship to encourage sharing. Great example of how to approach life and business. Asking how you can help someone is the best way to nudge people towards understanding and reciprocal opportunities. And being nice is just good form in general. Thanks for pointing out the little bits of importness in the world Phil. I like your blog.
oh how i wish i would proof: importantness – still not a word but you get what i’m sayin’ 🙂 Have a good Friday.