One of my favorite shows is AMC’s MadMen. If you haven’t seen it, start watching season 4 this Sunday.
I watched a promo video off of iTunes today that listed the Mad Men Rules and wondered if they still worked today.
- You are the product: If people don’t like you, they will do their best NOT to buy from you. Showing some of your personality allows people to connect with you. See Don Draper at his best in this clip from season 1 – The Carousel.
- Live like there’s no tomorrow: Don’t let opportunity pass you by. Grab it and live each day to the fullest. Maybe that no longer includes drinking scotch at your desk.
- There’s a place to cry – your apartment: You’ll get a lot of advice at work, not all of it is good, but some of it could change your life. You’re lucky if you find a mentor who you can trust.
- When God closes a door, he opens a dress: Rule breaking. How does the way you live your life in one quadrant effect how you live it in another. In the end, crime doesn’t pay.
- If you don’t want to have a fight, stop talking: Communication is the key. If you don’t let the steam escape in a controlled way, it will eventually bust a main pipe.
- Being with a client is like being in a marriage: As many different types of people there are in the world, there are that many types of clients. Some clients you kiss their butt, some need to be scared and some clients you’re better off avoiding all together. See Don Draper explain to a client how it is.
- Evaluate your strengths: If you take the time really evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and remain dispassionate and honest, what do you see?
- Have a summer house: What kind of company do you want to work at? The kind where everyone has a summer house? How free are you to speak where you are now?
- Only boring people are bored: This is one of my favorite lines ever from this show. I believe there is actually quite a bit of truth in it. Are you ever bored at work?
- Put your nose down and pay attention to your work: This has been an old standby for many decades. Is the best way to stay creative and motivated at your job? Do you take time to think or do you just “work” all day?
Do you watch the show? What do you think of their rules?
Great list. I think the show does a good job of showing that while the culture changes, human nature doesn’t.
One of the lines that sticks out in my mind was in the second season, when Bobbie tells Peggy something like, “You’ll never get that corner office until you start treating Don as your equal.” Maybe number 11 could be “Know your worth.”
@Rachel, that’s a tough one because most people over-value themselves – look at Pete. Most people eventually come to terms with their worth – like Peggy. In fact, now that I think about it, I see a faint whisp of Peggy in you 😉
Hi Phil,
Nice post. I believe they are all still pertinent. #4 would be over the top if not for the explanation (and really “old” school). #8. I think everyone having a summer house would be nice (although am unsure if having one here is a negative or a positive, exactly).. so, I’ll take it as a positive, as I’d love to have a summer house.. 😉
Phil, I’d love to repost this on my new blog (you as author, of course), if I may: http://www.madmenmakingchange.com. Plus, would love your and your reader’s advice on good blog posts for the future. So, please check it out.
PS: Plz consider a vote for me in The Mad Men Casting Call to win a walk on role on the show: http://bit.ly/bL4Frm