Are you making as much as you think you should be? Maybe it’s because your visitors don’t know what you would like them to do next.
A common problem on sites put together by people who already know and love their product is that they already know exactly what to do when they look at their homepage. The problem comes when your conversion rate drops and you have no idea why.

An easy to find, easy to understand call to action is the answer.
If you’re selling widgets, why am I looking at your mission statement or a cute cartoon rendering of your dog? I scroll down quickly to see if you foolishly put the “buy now” button below the scroll line, nope. Now if I’m really, really motivated I’ll start reading your lame text to see where I’m suppose to go next, if not, I’ll hit the back button. You’ve lost me.
I doesn’t have to be that way. If your site’s goal is to make money then every single page has a specific reason for being there. You have looked at every page and decided that it is helpful in some way to move visitors towards the goal of them handing over their hard earned money.
Here’s some questions to think about while you pull up your site in your other monitor…. it’s ok, I’ll wait.
Are all your buttons the same size? If they are, are they all the same importance?
What if I already know exactly what I want at your site, can I click once then start the checkout process?
Ask yourself, “Is that really as powerful as I can make the process for someone who is trusting me with their purchase?”
Check out Lee Munroe’s post for more great pointers.
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