One morning I was lamenting the annoyance of having to go through the Twitter notifications of new followers when about 25% are clearly spam or spam-like accounts following 2,000 people and have zero tweets.
Today I decided to stop whining and fix the problem. I use GMail but I would imagine it will work with pretty much any email client.
The filter I set up looks for email from Twitter that matches: “fol
That filter catches all of the new follower notifications. Then I need to do a simple look at the body for the string “0 Tweets”.
So far so good.
Thanks to Morgan and Stacey for also being annoyed and helping push me to fix the problem.
Morgan Siem says
Sweet! Now I’m one step closer to my dream of hitting InboxZero one day…someday…ever.
Phil Buckley says
I only wish I could create an even more complex filter that could look at ratios and such.