In a couple of weeks I’m going to do something new. I’m going to bring about a dozen bloggers and make something great happen.
The Blogger Roundtable will be my first event that attendees will have to pay to attend. It’s scary to make the jump from, “I know a little more than you so I’ll teach you at a free meetup” to “I know enough about a subject that I can fundamentally change the way you blog and help you get to the next level.”

The reason I can make such a bold statement is that I’ll have a lot of help. The Blogger Roundtable will take place in a quiet private room where a dozen people will all have the same goal, to make their blog the best. You may be 90% of the way there, or only 10%, but everyone can learn from the group. While we’ll expect solutions to problems can be developed and acted upon, the larger yield will be the learning itself. Everyone’s problems can become the fulcrum on which a critically reflective learning will occur. Fresh questions will pop into your head because some of your fundamental assumptions will be challenged. You will be asked questions that may have never occurred to you before.
I feel that the group dynamics involved in a tightly knit blogger clan offer some distinct advantages:
- A new group of friends who will be tied to your success
- No one person is as smart as 12 people
- Experience from 12 others can help you avoid pitfalls
- Experience from 12 others can make smarter recommendations
- You’ll laugh more
- You’ll think more
The advantages of having a technical marketer helping shape the event offers additional advantages:
- Search & Social are huge parts of getting a blog to the next level
- Google is now attempting to return results for “blogs” not just “posts” that match a query
- Understanding the technical writing requirements for good SEO will make you a better writer
- Fixing PHP and HTML will make your blog better
- Speed matters. Knowing what is slowing your site down is the first step towards fixing it.
Wondering if you’ll fit in? Check out who is already signed up. If you’re currently blogging, you’re ready.
The 3+ hours are an investment in yourself. If you really think that your blog is something that will help you reach your ultimate goal, what are you waiting for? I bet you could think of something you spent the same amount of money on that was nothing more than a burp and a hangover the next day.
Let’s catapult you and your blog on September 13 at the Blogger Roundtable.
Photo by: Steven Depolo
I’m interested to see how this turned out. I didn’t hear about it before hand. Was there a big turn-out and what are the stories from the event. I plan to attend the next Blog and Beer event. Like minds?